Differences by altitude in the frequency of congenital heart defects in colombia. Quality of life in children with infrequent congenital. Miguel hidalgo 88 82 74 93 62 milpa alta 33 40 33 35 50 tlahuac 77 83 79 94 100 tlalpan 359 360 378 395 428. We sought to measure quality of life qol in children with ichd, and secondarily, to describe qol changes after oneyear of followup, selfreported by children and through their caregivers perspective. Cardiologia pediatrica practica editorial medica distribuna. Diferencias regionales en cardiopatias congenitas sciencedirect. Alberto garcia, monica caicedo, karen moreno, nestor sandoval, miguel ronderos, rodolfo dennis. Gilberto mejia 1 rehabilitation a highlyrated service monica rincon r. Por otra parte, estamos agradecidos con miguel ronderos, marlene rodriguez. Quality of life in children with infrequent congenital heart defects. Diferencias regionales en cardiopatias congenitas revista. Cardiologia pediatrica, hemodinamia pediatrica, pediatria.
448 1431 857 1447 1077 1027 321 1361 926 759 585 89 1120 376 43 305 872 304 266 1499 419 538 1241 384 199 206 1425